Late Bloomers on a Blue Bird Day
Back to blog feedGreeted by vast fields of sunflowers and numerous varieties of asters, Palmer members met up at Stratton Open Space—a Palmer protected property—on Saturday, August 19, 2023, for a Late Bloomers Wildflower Walk. Led by expert naturalist Lee Derr, over twenty nature lovers learned more than plant identification with history and detailed explanations of the ecology of the area. Over twenty participants discovered this guided walk was about much more than identifying plants. Lee's extensive knowledge brought the history and ecology of the area to life, transforming a simple hike into an immersive learning experience.
One of the highlights of the day was Lee's captivating revelations about the local plant species. As we meandered through the landscape, we encountered a stunning variety of wildflowers, from the cheerful sunflowers that bathed the fields in golden hues to the elegant liatris, the quirky Curlycap Gumweed, and the vibrant paintbrush. With each encounter, Lee shared stories and insights, painting a vivid picture of how these plants coexist and thrive in this unique ecosystem.
By the end of the Late Bloomers Wildflower Walk, participants departed with more than just fond memories and beautiful snapshots. They carried with them a profound appreciation for the land and its natural wonders, as well as a valuable list of resources to delve deeper into the topics discussed during the hike.
We extend an invitation to all nature lovers to join Palmer in our mission to protect land and water for the wellbeing of nature and people. For those who seek a deeper connection with nature, Palmer offers events throughout the year in southern Colorado. Don't miss the chance to come out on the land and embark on your own journey of discovery and appreciation for the spectacular lands found across the region.