Palmer Welcomes 2023 Summer Fellow
Back to blog feedPalmer Welcomes 2023 Summer Fellow
Palmer Land Conservancy and the Heather Campbell Chaney Environmental Foundation (HCCEF) are proud to welcome Tyler Yung as our new summer Stewardship Environmental Fellow. Tyler is a student at Colorado College and brings wide-range of impactful skills to make him a valuable team member at Palmer Land Conservancy this summer. Tyler was selected as the Heather Campbell Chaney Environmental Fellowship grant recipient due to his commitment to environmental causes. He will work alongside Palmer’s stewardship team throughout the summer monitoring season.
‘As the young aspen tree grew, plants and animals taught the tree new lessons each day.
A conversation with the wind one morning told the little tree all about how its strength would cause snow to drift around the aspens, protecting them from the cold of winter.
The young aspen tree loved the constant chatter of all the creatures in the forest and realized that she was learning something new all the time.”
Heather Campbell Chaney
About the Heather Campbell Chaney Environmental Foundation
The Heather Campbell Chaney Environmental Foundation (HCCEF) provides funds to support undergraduate or graduate fellowships at impactful environmental nonprofit organizations working in the Pikes Peak region. Fellows are offered meaningful, career-building opportunities focused on conservation leadership and legacy.
Heather Campbell Chaney was on the board of Palmer Land Trust when she passed away in 2001. In 2014, to honor her interest in and dedication to Palmer’s work, the Foundation began funding HCCEF fellowship positions at Palmer and Catamount Institute.