Palmer Welcomes Two Summer Interns

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Helping to support the next generation of land conservation leaders is important to Palmer Land Trust. To that end, each year we welcome and mentor interns who are passionate and committed to furthering their education and knowledge about issues related to the environment and land conservation. This summer we are honored to welcome two interns to Palmer Land Trust who are an integral part of our team helping to further our mission. 

Espy Thomson

Espy is the Heather Campbell Chaney PIFP Fellow at Palmer Land Trust this summer. A student of the outdoors, Espy grew up in the woods of Western Massachusetts learning about the flora and fauna on her family farm. Through her education at Colorado College and SEA Semester, Espy has become increasingly concerned and interested in climate change and the benefits of preserving outdoor spaces for public health and environmental ecosystems. She is delighted to be working for Palmer Land Trust this summer as a land steward and property owners advocate. Espy hopes this exposure to conservation policies will inform her future interests in environmental planning work. In her free time, Espy can be found reading Barbara Kingsolver and writing in her notebook.

Michael Storace

Michael is a graduate student at the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies studying conservation and land management. He is interested in conservation planning to achieve landscape scale habitat connectivity for both ecological and social benefit. Michael is excited to be working with the Palmer Land Trust because of its innovative work protecting diverse ecosystem types from a regional and watershed perspective. This summer Michael will be working on developing outreach materials for the Elevate the Peak community conservation and visioning campaign initiative. Additionally, he will be assisting PLT’s land protection and stewardship teams. Michael is originally from New Hampshire where he has hiked all 48 4,000-foot White Mountains. He graduated with a BS in Environmental Studies from the University of Vermont, worked in central Vermont as an environmental planner for several years, and thru-hiked Vermont’s Long Trail prior to starting graduate school.